Ticket for the talk show as donation...=)
in the name of Allah, the most gracious and most merciful.Salawat and peace to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W the last messenger of Allah...May Allah bless us all..
This morning after my class ended, i was really surprised after looking at a poster.."Tears of Gaza"..before these all events under my faculty has never touch about this sensitive issue for us as a Muslim as well as to all people around the world because this issue becoming bigger and this issue is a kind of humanity issue.
I immediately asked from my class members about who are person in charge for the event. Alhamdulillah ...They are most of my ex-classmate. Then, i asked them who will be the speakers on the day and they said, they are still looking for sponsors to give donation for Gaza and looking for NGOs which can contribute for this event.. Hopefully this will be good combination with LL4G..i'Allah..
The programs details are as follows:
31st July 2010
8am - 12pm
ticket:rm5(student) rm7 (public)-all this ticket payment will be submitted to NGOs going to Gaza.
Wallahu a'lam..
May Allah bless us all..
Hopefully any representative from LL4G will attend this event..
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Tears of Gaza in KLMU!
Posted by lovely asiah at 4:39 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 3, 2010
My group project for franchising subject!
Salamualaik..thank you to Allah the most merciful for giving us the opportunity to live on da earth in order to fulfill the task as a servant of Him..Actually i have never decide to write about my cooks..but, it is about my group project for franchising subject which the question sounds like this " Your group is required to develop an existing local product such as roti canai,goreng pisang,keropok lekor, char kuey, muruku, or lempeng into a product that can be franchise, locally or maybe even internationally.." it is something like that..
so,last week in da previous class i had decided for my group to do something like cucur in various flavor or various gravy or coated with different dressing. Alhamdulillah, my ideas have been accepted by my group members and our lecturer Mr Firdaus. i decided to make the business concept is the product will be sold at kiosk..the kiosk can be stand alone or in shopping complexes.
the flavor can be durians, prawn, chicken, beef, anchovy, jackfruit and squid and the sauce or gravy can be bbq, kropok lekor sauce, custard sauce, mayo sauce, cheezy sauce and the dressing or can be coated with choclate with different flavor such as strawberry, green tea, dark choc, papermint, grape and so on..
The issue that has been raised up by my lecturer was that "whether the oily or fry thing like cucur can be coated with choclate"
so. i have given him one similar scenario which is very simple " if doughnut which is also fried can be coated with choclate why not my cucur".. then he agreed..hehe..Alhamdulillah i got the topic and topic has been approved by him.. Do pray for me dear friends for this project. i do not have much time to cook this week because of so many thing to do with my assignment..sorry for my broken english seems this is my first entry in fully english..Do pray for me..
this is just to inform my friends why i am not posting any recipe..
hope to see all of you soon~
daa daa <3<3<3
Posted by lovely asiah at 5:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 2, 2010
For my dear Nany!
Salamualaik!Syukur sgt sbb Allah masih berikan kita peluang untuk meneruskan hidup kita di muka bumiNya ini demi meneruskan kerja2 urusan dunia dan bekalan ke akhirat. Pagi tadi on je radio on da way ke rumah k.su terdengar ada seorang ustaz memberi satu penyampaian. antara isi yang dapat di tangkap oleh minda sedarku " dunia ini sekadar persinggahan tetapi mengapa kita tidak sibuk mempersiapkan bekalan ke sana"...moga kata2 yang ringkas ni boleh menjadi muhasabah buat kita semua i'Allah..
Hari ni pergi ziarah k.su dan babynya Ammar Mujahid..xsbar nak tgk mujahid besar..huhu..ziarah tadi pergi dengan k.ayu and asyraf,k.inarah and k.cah..tapi gambarnya xbley upload lg sbb camera trtinggal dalam kete..i'Allah nati ade masa saya poskan gambarnya..hehe
Dua tiga arini tak masak sgt..tapi atas permintaan seorang sahabat ku postkan juga satu resipi..try this! sedap and mudah jadi kalau ade pengalaman dalam basic cooking..
Cream Puff
250ml air
125g butter
150g tepung - diayak
¼ st garam
1 st gula
4 biji telur
500ml susu segar
100g gula
80g tepung custard
Step by step:
1. Didihkan air dan butter hingga cair. Kemudian masukkan tepung yang diayak. Gaul sebati hingga adunan tidak melekat di periuk. Angkat dan sejukkan.
2. Bila sejuk pukul sedikit and masukkan telur sebijik sebijik.
3. Masukkan adunan ke dalam beg piping. Kalau takde piping bag boleh guna kertas minyak ke dan gulung macam bungkus kacang putih tu (kon 3 segi) dan gunting hujung dia untuk dipicit keluar adunan. (Saya guna nozzle kat hujung piping bag tu.) Pipekan atas dulang yang telah digris.
4. Bakar 25 minit dgn suhu 200˚C atau sehingga kekuningan. (Oven kena panaskan dulu ke suhu 200˚C. Kalau tak panas nanti puff tak kembang dan tak berongga kat dalam dia.)
Inti Custard
1. Hangatkan susu dan gula atas api sederhana. Masukkan tepung kastard and kacau sehingga pekat.
2. Custard tu boleh dipicitkan ke dalam puff tu bila puff tu sejuk sikit. Caranya, tebuk lubang kat puff (boleh buat kat atas atau kat bawah). Pastu gunakan piping bag yang berisi custard, picit ke dalam rongga puff tu.
Let's try this!
Moga ilmu sedikit yg bermanfaat lebih baik dari ilmu yang banyak tapi tidak bermanfaat.. Doakanku moga hari ini lebih baik dari semalam =)
See you soon..
Nota: sumber from resipi.net(tapi dah di test jadi)-I'Allah..
Posted by lovely asiah at 4:29 AM 4 comments